In an effort to support our promoters, event organisers and artists through the tidal wave of COVID-19 cancellations and refund requests, we took some time to develop a simple Refund Tool that gave customers the opportunity to gift-back part of their ticket price and/or the booking fee if they wished.

Congratulations to the TOP 3 EVENTS with the most generous customers:

With over 18K tickets refunded since NZ went into Alert Level 4 lockdown, we've been proud and delighted with the warm feedback on the refund tool, as received from customers and promoters alike.

And lastly via email from SK Events Australia:
"...big thanks to iTICKET for developing the refund tool in-order to minimise the financial stress being placed on theatre industry, very grateful for that… unfortunately cant quite say the same for some other ticketing agencies!"
If you experienced joy with our COVID-19 Response Refund & Gift-back Tool, either as a customer or promoter, please drop us a line at and let us know. We'd love to hear your thoughts!