We’d like to introduce you to the latest upgrade to our suite of sales functions.
Dear reader, meet Mercury.
Our Operations Manager and overall tech guru Jamie Johnstone has recently led the charge in developing a new sales application to improve the sales experience for our outlets, venues and customers.
Dubbed ‘Mercury’, this new platform has been trialled over the past few months to a resounding success and is now being migrated across our 40+ nationwide outlets and venue partners.
Here’s a peek under the hood at some of the things Mercury can do:
In the previous sales platform, selecting more than a few seats was tiring – having to click and then choose a price before picking another seat could take a lot of time.
Now, when selecting an allocated seat, the ‘main’ price will automatically be applied and you can keep selecting. Once you’ve finished, you can change the pricetype of a ticket in the shopping basket:

If you've got heaps of tickets and don't want to update the price of each one, you can use the new Bulk Re-Price tool to apply one price to all your tickets:

You can now select multiple tickets at once from the seating selector - to do this, simply hold down 'Control' on your keyboard, then click and drag:

and last, but not least…
This new feature enables you to hold/release seats/tickets (both General Admission and Allocated) from within Mercury itself.
Need to keep a few special seats for sponsors who are coming in tonight? Easy.
Found that the sight lines from that awkward A1 seat are terrible? Problem solved.

Ticket Holds provide a new way for front-line Box Office staff and event managers to easily manipulate the seating inventory without having to get in touch with an Account Manager or call after-hours support.
It’s one of the many new ways we are striving to put the power in your hands, to easily manage your events your way. If you’re interested in this feature for your venue or events, flick us an email and he'll get in touch.