Harnessing a little of the Kiwi ingenuity and innovation that we're renowned for, iTICKET has developed a simple eCommerce solution for local cafes and eateries seeking to offer a contactless click-&-collect or delivery service with built-in contact tracing to their customers through COVID-19 Level 3 and beyond.

PickMeUp provides eateries with a business listing on the mobile-friendly site pickmeup.kiwi where customers can easily search up their local cafes and eateries, order from their menus and pay online to either pick up or have delivered. A solution for small businesses short on time or experience with eCommerce and online ordering. Using PickMeUp also ensures eateries are complying with government regulations around contact tracing of customers too.
Features include email and text notifications and a real-time widget for the customer to track their order's progress. Best of all, cafes and eateries won’t be giving away 30% of their precious revenue to 3rd party delivery companies.
No website? No problem.
No online payment system in place? We got you.
PickMeUp is free and easy to set up, with super low transaction fees, tiny customer fees and proudly 100% Kiwi. No Apps to download and no hard stuff.
This is one way that iTICKET is striving to support small Kiwi businesses through COVID-19 and beyond. For more information email gettingstarted@pickmeup.kiwi or visit pickmeup.kiwi or our Facebook and Instagram pages today. We'd love your help to spread the word about PickMeup for your favourite local eateries.