In the the sea of ticketing agents that are out there these days, we’re often asked what our point of difference is – and we have a few! So, we thought it about time we shared some of these with you.
One of our key special features is the fact that all our promoters and event owners receive their very own dedicated Account Manager, on hand and only a phone call away – from the beginning of event setup, to the end of settlement.
The dynamic duo that pretty much run this baby from the inside are Angela Everson, who takes care of all things Theatre & Arts related, and Jenny Colman, our master (mistress?) of large scale events, expos, festivals, sports and conferencing etc.

Angela and Jenny have both been with the team for six years now and bring with them their own vast experience from backgrounds in the TV and Entertainment industry and Event Management respectively. Their inside knowledge has proven priceless many a time, helping to ensure all things run like clockwork for our promoters and finding the clearest ways to configure events and get the best exposure possible.
With Angela and Jenny on your team – once your tickets go live, you won’t be left out in the cold!